понедельник, марта 04, 2013

Historical Photos on Google Maps

Vintage Greece is a Google Map of geo-located vintage photographs and historical maps of Greece.

There are some big players already involved in the mapping of historical photographs, with What Was There and Historypin amongst the most established. However there could be a lot of value for new applications, like Vintage Greece, that concentrate on smaller, specific geographic areas. 

I also really like Vintage Greece's combination of historical maps with historical photography. Overlaying vintage photos on top of an historical map is somehow much more aesthetically pleasing than using the normal Google Maps tiles.

3 комментария:

Cluster HPC комментирует...

This is why I like google map.

Linux Clusters комментирует...

Google map is a very big help. It's historical photos were great.

Mike комментирует...

Wow such nice uses. I came across this world coffee map http://thecoffeelocator.com/World-coffee-map