вторник, марта 19, 2013

Instagram on Google Maps

Instahood is a Google Maps based application that lets you view the latest photographs posted to Instagram by location.

The app is a handy way to view the latest pictures posted around a location or at a specific event. For example, If you want to check out the latest pope pictures you just need to enter 'St Peter's, Rome' into Instahood and you can view all the latest photographs posted from St Peter's Square.

Astoria allows you to virtually walk down the road, using Google Street View, and view geotagged content from Instagram, Yelp and Twitter superimposed upon your view. Who needs Google Glass when we don't even need to leave our desktops to take a virtual walk with augmented reality?

Also See

Shots24 - Instagram photos with Google Maps
The Beat - Instagram with Street Views of the same location
Worldcam - view Instagram pictures submitted around any location
InstaBrowsr - find photos submitted to Instagram around any location

1 комментарий:

MrData комментирует...

Here is the error message on the Astoria site.

502 Bad Gateway

By the way: Was the site suppose to be Astoria Oregon?