суббота, марта 16, 2013

The Anagram Map of the World

Reddit user Zapmeister created this Anagram Map of the World. On the map all the country names have been changed into anagrams, for example the United States of America has become 'Defecation Traumatises'. I can't mention here what Afghanistan has become.

One World from the ISS is a map of photographs of Earth taken from on-board the International Space Station.

The images on the map are only thumbnails but if your click on the thumbnail images you can view the photos in full-size as they were posted on Twitter.

The Common Senses Sound Map from MoMA is a sound map of recordings made by the public. Anyone can contribute a sound to the map by using the Soundcloud app (available on both iOS and Android).

Users of the map can click on any of the map markers and listen to the submitted sound recording directly from the map.

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