воскресенье, марта 31, 2013

The Google Maps of the Week

There are a lot of location tracking apps that use Google Maps to show your real-time position. Google employee Tristan Smith has decided however to forgo the map and instead he gives a first person view of his current location using Google Maps Street View.

A Man Like Me in a Place Like This uses Tristan's location data from Google Latitude to show in real-time his location using Street View. If you sit and stare at the app you can watch as the Street View images update in real-time to show his current location.

Geostellar can help you calculate how well solar panels would work on your house. All you have to do is type in your address and you instantly get a free appraisal of the solar potential of your rooftop,

After you enter an address into Geostellar your house is shown on Google Maps satellite view with an infra-red image overlay showing the potential sunlight available on your house's roof. Alongside the Google Map users are given a detailed breakdown about the installation costs of solar panels and an estimate of the electricity savings that could be made.

Notes.is is a Google Maps based site that allows anyone to pin a note to a Google Map. Using the app you can place a pinned note on your favourite restaurant, gallery or any other location that you wish to share with the world.

The map includes a really useful tutorial that guides you through the process of how to add a note to the map. It also includes a really useful hashtag system that allows users to add a hashtag to a note. The hashtags are a great feature when browsing notes added by other users. When you zoom in on a location the most popular hashtags in your current view are displayed above the map. Users can then click on any of the hashtags to highlight all the notes including that hashtag.

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