среда, июня 24, 2015

Introducing Precipice View

Apparently there is nowhere that the Google Street View guys won't go. They've already dived beneath the roaring seas, traversed the Liwa Desert and stared-down the polar bears of Churchill.

Now they have climbed the vertical face of El Capitan in Yosemite. To capture this new imagery Google cheated a little bit by employing the help of three experienced climbers: Lynn Hill, Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell.

The three dragged Google's heavy Street View cameras all the way to the top of El Capitan, capturing some extraordinary imagery on the journey.

The best way to explore this rock-climbing Street View is on this Behind the Scenes special. El Capitan, Yosemite: Behind the Scenes is a great presentation of this new Street View imagery. As you scroll up the page you can view the locations of the Street View panoramas, superimposed upon the face of El Capitan.

Click on the 'explore' buttons that appear on your screen and you can dive into the interactive imagery captured from the climb. The Street Views themselves contain points of information about the climb and the mountain. They also include sound-clips and video which explain more about El Capitan and its history.

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