суббота, июня 06, 2015

Mapping Euro Birds

The EuroBirdPortal (EBP) is establishing a European wide data repository of bird sightings in order to model the distribution of different species of birds over time and space and to establish the migratory patterns of those species.

The EBP has released a demonstration map to visualize the week by week distributional patterns of 15 species of birds over four years. The map uses CartoDB's Torque library to animate the European wide sightings of the 15 species during 2010 to 2013.

The bird sightings map is accompanied by another map which animates climatic variables, so that you can compare the distribution of the different bird species to the annual changes in temperature and precipitation. Press play on the map and you can view an animation of the bird sightings across Europe for the selected year in the left-hand map. At the same time you can view an animation of precipitation or temperature records for the same period on the right-hand map.

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