вторник, июня 30, 2015

The Gay History Map

Pride of Place is a new interactive map from Historic England and Leeds Beckett University which is attempting to map out the gay history of locations in the UK. The map aims to document and record the "huge range of places and spaces lived, loved, worked and played in by LGBTQ people through the centuries".

The initial Pride of Place interactive map is an attempt to crowd-source important  'queer buildings and places' in the UK. If you connect to the map with a Facebook account or with your e-mail you can add locations to the map.

You can search the map by location or by using the categories in the map sidebar. Some of the categories also allow you to search by date. So for example you can discover that in the 15th century Markby Priory was very popular with the local gay youth, 'secular youths do lie in the dorter among the canons, and some with the canons in the same beds, and especially John Alforde, who more often than others has such in bed with him'.

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