понедельник, июня 29, 2015

Mapping Population Trends in Europe

Last week the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs, and Spatial Development released a map showing how population has changed in Europe between 2001 and 2011. The BBSR Map of European Population Change shows where populations have increased and decreased throughout Europe.

The Berliner Morgenpost has now created an interactive version of the map using the same data. The paper's Where the Population of Europe is Growing – and Where it’s Declining map shows population growth in 119,406 municipalities from 43 European countries (including Turkey).

The map includes a number of snapshot analyses of interesting trends in the data. You can access these snapshots using the links beneath the map. You can also zoom in on the map and click on any of the 119,406 municipalities to view the percentage population change between 2001 and 2011 at the selected location.

The Washington Post has also published an interesting analysis of the BBSR population data. Their article on Where Europe is Growing and Where it is Shrinking provides some useful insights into the European population data. For example, the paper points out how in Poland there is a clear pattern of population growth in the suburbs around large cities.

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