вторник, июня 16, 2015

Sounds of Dún Laoghaire & Horta d'Avinyó

A Fluent. Reconstructing the Paths of Water is an interesting soundmap. The map itself is a static aerial photo of Horta d'Avinyó in Spain, with just six map markers.

The markers contain sound recordings and photos of the locations where the recordings were made. However the markers are almost incidental to this map. With this sound map you just need to move your mouse around the map to hear the different sound recordings. For example, move your mouse closer to the major road on the left of the map and you can hear the traffic noise growing louder.

A Sound Map of Dún Laoghaire by artists Anthony Kelly and David Stalling is a collection of sound recordings made in and around an Irish coastal town on the southern outskirts of Dublin.

The map allows you to explore the soundscapes of Dún Laoghaire, including the natural coastal sounds of the waves and seagulls. The map also includes a number of folk histories, sound recordings of local people discussing life in the town.

You might also like these other Sound Maps.

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