суббота, июля 08, 2023

Divorced, Befriended, Married or Died

Madrid's Almendra Central is an island of bachelors surrounded by a sea of married couples.

Spanish newspaper El Confidencial has used 2021 census data to map out whether there are more single people or married couples in every census tract in Spain. An interactive map in the paper's Singles in Your Area, Street by Street colors every neighborhood in the country depending on whether the majority of adult occupants are married, single, divorced or widowed. 

When zoomed out on the map it appears that marriage reigns supreme in most of Spain. However if you zoom in on Spain's biggest cities, such as Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, you find that many central areas are dominated by singles. El Confidencial notes this trend but hasn't attempted to explain the pattern. It would be interesting if the map included the average age in each census tract because I suspect that city center neighborhoods might be dominated by younger age groups (who are less likely to be married). I also suspect that when people marry in these central neighborhoods they often look to move out to the suburbs to raise their children.

The map does include options to look at the total population over 15 and the average income in each census block. If you hover over a tract on the map you can also view the percentage of the population in the census tract who voted 'left', 'right' or 'other' in the 2019 election. 

Also See

Interactive Singles Map of USA (using 2012 data)
UK Legal Partnership Map (2021 census)
Single Population of Ireland (2016 Census)

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