вторник, июля 18, 2023

The National Stereotypes Map

Last week Buzzfeed asked a generative AI image model to create a photograph of a person from each U.S. state, as typically perceived by a European. You can view the mildly amusing results in the post I Asked AI What Europeans Think Americans From Every Single State Look Like, And The Results Are Just Plain Mean

Anyway, I liked the idea enough to steal it. I spent a few hours asking Bing Image Creator to create caricature portraits of stereotypical people from individual countries wearing their national dress. I then created a map, National Stereotypes, which visualizes the result for each country. I haven't completed the whole world, so I apologize if I haven't gotten around to insulting your nationality yet.

I made my map using Map Channels v9, a new simple-to-use mapping tool.The initial release of Map Channels v9 is aimed at users who want to quickly create a simple map to display a collection of placemarks. To create my map I simply created a KML file with links to each of the AI generated stereotype images. Once I had created the KML file it then only took a few seconds to create the map with Map Channels v9. 

More features will be added to Map Channels V9 in future updates. For more advanced mapping tools you can use one of the many mapping features and tools listed on the Map Channels Overview page. You can view another example of a Map Channels v9 map on this demo page of New York Landmarks.

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