суббота, июля 15, 2023

Which Country Most Resembles Your Country?

The political scientist Anders Sundell has posted a Twitter thread which reveals "the countries that look the most like each other". For example (according to Anders)  the country which most resembles the United States is Saudi Arabia. 

According to the text on each country comparison an "algorithm checked the shapes of all countries in order to find the most similar shapes. All countries were rescaled to have the same area. Rotation, but not flipping, was permitted in order to find the best match. The match percent refers to the percentage of each country's area that is shared with the other".
Using his algorithm Anders has determined that the UK most resembles Finland, Brazil looks like Lithuania, Australia is the mirror image of Rwanda and Italy is the twin of Armenia. There are a number of other country comparisons in Ander's Twitter thread and Anders also posts data & map visualizations to his YouTube channel.

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