вторник, июля 25, 2023

Isochrone Maps

time2reach is an interactive map that shows you see how far you travel within a set time period using public transit. The map can currently create isochrone visualizations for 6 global cities: New York, Paris, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. 

If you double-click on the map in any of these six cities an isochrone visualization will show you how far you can travel from that point on public transit. The map is color-coded to show how far you can travel from the selected point in minute intervals. If you hover over another location on the map you can see the quickest public transit route to that destination and the total journey time (and the duration of each stage (bus,train,walking etc) of the journey).

The map uses GTFS (published public transit schedule data) for calculating all travel times. Therefore if you have a GTFS feed for a city then you should be able to create your own time2reach isochrone map using the code provided on the time2reach GitHub repo.

You can find more examples of travel time maps using the Maps Mania isochrone label.

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