четверг, июля 20, 2023

The National Stereotypes Maps - Part Two

Buzzfeed has started a new mapping trend with their AI generated images of state stereotypes. Last week Buzzfeed asked a generative AI image model to create a photograph of a person from each U.S. state, as typically perceived by a European. You can view the results in the post This is What Europeans Think of Us.

I was inspired by the Buzzfeed post to create my own National Stereotypes Map. To create my map I asked Bing Image Creator to create caricature portraits of stereotypical people from individual countries wearing their national dress.

Unbeknownst to me (I swear) Andrei Kashcha (@anvaka) had already posted a map of stereotypes on the MapPorn subreddit. 

To create his Imaginary Faces map Andrei gave Midjourney the prompt "Most stereotypical person in X". He then took the first image created, cropped it to the bounds of the country, and inserted it as the country background. On the interactive map you can click on individual countries to see all 4 variations produced by Midjourney.

On Twitter @Barsee has also been posting AI generated images of the MOST stereotypical person in *country*. The image at the top of this post showing a bearded man riding a moose represents the stereotypical Canadian (as seen by Midjourney. Barsee's Twitter thread contains 15 stereotypical images of 15 countries, including the US and the UK.

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