вторник, июля 19, 2016

Mapping Gun Violence in Rio

Amnesty International in Brazil has released an interactive map to crowd-source incidents of gun violence in Rio de Janeiro. There have been more than 570 gunfights in the city already this year. However, with the police themselves responsible for one in five killings in the state of Rio last year, accurate official statistics on gun violence are hard to get.

The Fogo Cruzado map allows anyone in Rio to report incidents of gun violence, whether carried out by gangs or by the police. As well as the crowd-sourced data the map includes incidents of armed attacks reported by the press and official police and government data.

The map is a custom styled Google Map with beautifully deigned markers. These markers are categorized to show gun violence incidents with fatalities, with injuries and victimless incidents. The map also uses numbered clustered markers to show where more than one incident has occurred. If you zoom in on these locations the individual incidents are then revealed.

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