вторник, июля 12, 2016

What Three Pokemon

Damn my tendency to procrastination. Last night I was debating what would make an interesting clone of what3fucks. The obvious answer seemed to be replacing the swear words with Pokemon names.

Unfortunately for me I was rudely distracted by a bottle of ten year old brandy and never quite got around to starting this project. When I finally struggled, hungover, out of bed this morning I discovered that someone had already beaten me to the creation of the world's first Pokemon based location coding system.

what3pokemon is a clone of what3fucks. Using what3pokemon you can click on any location in the world to get a unique three word location identifier, one that includes the names of Pokemon characters.

 Anonymaps claims that,

I'm not sure that we are actually there yet. However if you want to create your own parody of what3words you can use the what3fucks Fucking Application Programming Interface.

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