среда, июля 06, 2016

Street View Movies of Italy

There's nothing quite like driving a convertible in the sun along the Amalfi Coast in Italy. Well - actually there is. 124 Spider Roads is quite like driving a convertible along the Amalfi Coast.

124 Spider Roads uses a combination of custom Street View images and 360 degree panoramic movies to allow you to experience the joy of driving a Fiat 124 Spider along three of Italy's most scenic roads. Jump behind the wheel of Fiat's 124 Spider and you can take a virtual drive in Liguria, the Amalfi Coast and Sicily.

Each of the three virtual drives includes a 360 panoramic YouTube video. As the video plays you can pan around to enjoy the full panoramic view. The start and end of each of the three journeys also include a custom Street View image - which allows you to explore the depicted scenes using Google Maps' Street View technology.

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