среда, июля 13, 2016

The Transit Deserts of New York

Chris Wong has created an updated version of his Subway Deserts of New York map. His new interactive map shows areas of NYC which are more than ten minute walks from a subway station as deserted islands in the city of New York.

Subway Deserts v2 is an improvement on Chris's original Subway Deserts map which placed blue circles over a 500 meter area around each subway station. In the new map the areas of New York which aren't within a quick walk of a subway station really do stand out as deserted islands on the map of the city.

I'm wondering if this metaphor of transit desert islands could be improved further by perhaps reversing the areas which are colored the same as water on the map. This would create desert islands around each subway station with the areas of New York more than a ten minute walk from a station covered over on the map. You could then add isochrone lines around each station at 1 minute walk intervals. This would probably create a nice relief map effect for each of the created islands on the map.

It would have the added benefit of providing a guide to walking distances around each New York subway station.

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