вторник, июля 19, 2016

The 2016 Terrorist Attacks Map

Nearly 8,000 people have died so far in 2016 from terrorist attacks. If you watch the news in the 'developed' world you might be under the impression that most deaths from terrorism occur in the West. However Esri's new 2016 Terrorist Attacks map clearly shows that the Middle East and Northern & Central Africa are the areas worst affected by terrorism.

The 2016 Terrorist Attacks map shows all the terrorist attacks around the world that have occurred so far this year. The map uses data from Wikipedia's List of Terrorist Incidents 2016. The map sidebar lists all the attacks in reverse chronological order (with the most recent at the top). The map shows the location of each attack with colored circular markers. The scale of the markers reflects the number of fatalities from each attack. The color indicates the terrorist group responsible for the attack.

The 'Help' section includes a brief description of each of the terrorist groups involved in the terrorist attacks displayed on the map.

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