вторник, марта 20, 2018

Berlin - Along Each Transit Line

The Berliner Morgenpost has published an impressive data visualization exploring how the social universe of the German capital transforms from one S-Bahn stop to the next. The visualization allows you to travel along any one of Berlin's 250 bus, train or tram lines and view the economic, demographic and cultural differences of each neighborhood along its route.

At the top of Berlin is Ticking on Your Line is an animated map showing vehicles moving on all 250 lines of the BVG and the Berlin S-Bahn. The map shows the typical traffic on a weekday over the whole 24 hours of the day. Vehicles on the map are color-coded to show whether they are trains, buses, trams or underground trains. Their movement on the map is based on the departure and arrival times of a normal Wednesday timetable.

Beneath the map you can select any one of Berlin's 250 transit lines to explore in detail the socioeconomic differences that can be found between each station or stop along the line. The application uses statistical data to show how different Berlin can be along each of its bus, train and ferry lines.

An interactive graph is used in the visualization of each public transit line. The x axis of each line graph shows all the stops along the line. The y axis is used to show different variables at each stop, such as the average age, the average rent, voting patterns and economic wealth.

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