среда, марта 07, 2018

Mapping the Most Popular Films of 2017

Dunkirk was the most popular film in most of the world last year. Apart from in the USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa and the Republic of Congo where Get Out was the most popular. At least those two films were the most popular movies in terms of Google searches.

Google Trends has been busy mapping the most searched films around the world in 2017. In the 2018 Oscar Nominees, in Google Search they have mapped the most searched movies around the world for each month of the year. The map for the complete year (shown above) shows Dunkirk (turquoise) as being the most searched film in much of the world. While Get Out proved very popular in the USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa and the Republic of Congo.

The map includes the option to view the most searched movie by month. Tracking the popularity of Dunkirk and Get Out over the whole year we find that Get Out dominates the map for the early months of the year. However in July (when Dunkirk was released) the map suddenly becomes dominated by the turquoise of Dunkirk. 

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