суббота, марта 31, 2018

The Esri MOOC Cartography Entrance Exam

Esri's Cartography MOOC is a new free online course. By taking this course you can learn about making maps from some of the world's most accomplished cartographers.

If you want to know if you have what it takes to complete Esri's cartography course you can take the new Esri Mooc Entrance Exam. Just answer the six questions in the exam and you can find out your current level of cartographical knowledge.

Whether you pass the entrance exam or not you can still sign up for the Esri Cartography MOOC. The online course starts on April 18th. The entrance exam, however, can only be taken on April 1st. If you want to learn more about the difference between good and bad cartography then you should also have a look at the Cartonerd blog.

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