пятница, марта 23, 2018

The Submarine Cable Map 2018

Every year the company Telegeography release a new updated undersea cable map of the world. The map shows all the submarine cable systems across the globe that are active or are under construction.

Telegrogaphy's 2018 Submarine Cable Map has a much more utilitarian style than some of the previous years' maps. This year's map is designed to highlight the areas where cables traverse and connect to landing stations. To that end the map is possibly a little less fun than some of Telegeography's previous maps but also possibly a little more useful to those working in the industry.

If you want to view the company's Submarine Cable Maps from previous years you can just change the year in the URL. For example, my favorite 2015 Submarine Cable Map can be found at http://submarine-cable-map-2015.telegeography.com/. The 2015 map was inspired by medieval and renaissance cartography and features not only a vintage map style but sea monsters, cartouches and map border illustrations.

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