пятница, марта 02, 2018

The SB 827 Interactive Los Angeles Map

Buying a home in California is very expensive. Particularly in the state's biggest cities. One solution would be to build more affordable housing. However California has a lot of building and zoning regulations which make building new homes difficult.

SB 827 is a new bill that is designed to encourage the building of high density housing near public transportation. The bill, if passed, would require that all areas within a half-mile of a high-frequency transit stop, or within a quarter-mile of a bus or transit corridor, allow buildings of 4 to 5 stories. It would also exempt these new buildings from minimum car parking requirements.

The Policy Club has released an interactive map which shows the potential impact of the bill on Los Angeles. The SB 827 Interactive Los Angeles Map shows the building parcels in LA which would become exempt from residential density restrictions, minimum parking requirements and building height limits if the California Senate passes SB 827.

The map clearly demonstrates that SB 827 has the potential to have a huge impact on the building of new homes in Los Angeles. Whether you think that is a good idea or not obviously depends on your point of view.

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