среда, марта 07, 2018

Jogging Route Roulette

If you are bored of jogging, walking or cycling the same routes everyday then you need Routeshuffle. Routeshuffle can create random routes for running, walking and biking on the fly for any location in the world. Perhaps the most impressive thing about Routeshuffle is that it was created by a 15 year old school student, with hardly any experience of coding.

Generating a random route with Routeshuffle is very easy. Just share your location with the map and enter the length of route that you need. The map will then create a random route, starting and finishing at your location. Routeshuffle will also create a unique link for your route.

If you sign up to a premium account with Routeshuffle then you can get access to a number of other features. These include the option to view the route on Google Maps and download the route as a GPX or KML file.

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