Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Mapping Moving Borders in Real-Time

3D map of Mt. Similaun, Italy

The international border between Italy and Switzerland & Austria in the Alps largely follows the path of the watershed line. Unfortunately due to global heating and shrinking glaciers the Alpine watershed line keeps on moving. The result is that the border between Italy and its Alpine neighbors is also constantly moving.

In 2016 the Italian Limes project attempted to track the movement of the Italy-Austrian border in real-time. In order to do this it installed 25 sensors on top of a glacier at Mt. Similaun. Every two hours these sensors recorded and transmitted their positions. This allowed the moving border between Italy and Austria to be updated and mapped in near real-time.

map of the 25 sensors on Mt. Similaun
3D map showing the position of the Italy-Austria border in 1920 and 2016 and the position of 25 border sensors

The Italian Limes project is beautifully illustrated using a 3D map of Mt. Similaun. On top of this map you can view the Italy-Austrian border in 1920 and the border's position in 2016. The map also shows the location of the 5x5 grid of GPS units which were used to track the glacier's movements in three dimensions in near real-time.

Via: The Visualising Data Newsletter

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