Thursday, July 25, 2024

Your Daily Map Trivia Game

a map of Europe with text saying 'known as Ypres in French, was a significant battleground during World War I, surrounded by extensive trench networks and battlefields.'

TripGeo Trivia is a new daily geography quiz which requires you to identify ten cities based on a number of clues. Every day ten new random cities from around the world need to be identified. To help you in this task you can view three clues as to the identity of each city.

Every day you get to identify ten new cities. For each city you get three clues and a choice of possible answers. Using the clues you simply need to click on the correct city's marker on an interactive map. There are 30 points in total to be won in TripGeo Trivia. If you guess a city correctly on your first attempt you score 3 points. If you require two clues then you score two points. If it takes you three clues to identify the city then you only score 1 point.

Every day there are 30 points to be won and 10 new cities to be identified on a Google Map. The clues for each city have been generated by ChatGPT. At the end of the game you can explore each of that day's ten cities in more detail. Select a city that you are interested in and you can learn about a number of the city's most popular landmarks and venues, as chosen by ChatGPT, and view their locations on a Google Map.

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