In some cases there are enhancements to the road/street maps that were there previously (Greece for example) and for some countries streets and roads are completely new (Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey) This update of streets, roads and other points of interest will have a huge impact on users of Google Maps in these areas. It means that satellite imagery is now more relevant and easier to identify when "sightseeing" using the hybrid map view toggle. In addition, Google's new My Maps map creation tool is now instantly available for millions of people to begin creating and sharing interesting maps for these countries!
Know of other countries seeing updates or want to leave some feedback? Post a comment! :)
[Thanks to Scott Dexter for the tip!]
For other recent feature and functionality updates to Google Maps, click on the "Google Maps" label below:
Thank you!!!
Estonia has also new road data.
Hong Kong and Macao... I think that's new too, isn't it?
Hong Kong has been live since Dec/06:
in south america only sao paulo, brazil y buenos aires argentina, but whats happens with the rest of the countries?, like my country, Chile and my beautiful and contaminated city......Santiago...
bye...(sorry for my Tarzan`s english)
have you seen this already:
There are slight changes to the Hong Kong tiles. Most of the street geometry is the same, but the street names have been rewritten in a larger font and different placement.
Note that the new street maps for Turkey, Taiwan, Croatia and Slovenia are from new data providers. The Taiwan streetmaps are copyright "Kingway" and Turkey, Croatia and Slovenia are copyright "AND".
The Russia streetmaps are copyright "Google" and the other new tiles are still "TeleAtlas".
Romania has also got a very small update, so it's now showing major highways. It had no data showing before, hopefully more coming soon
The addition of the new countries is great, however the Russian map seems to be completely in Cyrillic script, and the Thailand on exclusively in Thai.
Any idea if it is possible to change this to alternative languages to suit international audiences trying to find places?
That's a good point Rob.. Check out this Google Earth Blog post that might help you out until the functionality exists in Google Maps:
Multilingual Global Place Names for Google Earth
great job! btw, did you see already?
And could you give a hint when Ukraine could get more detailed map?
best wishes from Ukraine,
the data of Vietnam is too old (about 2 years ago), there isn't any update :(
A real estate mashup from Turkey
when do you go to refresh map of croatia in europe
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