You can now listen to music from around the world. From the Pacific sounds of Radio Guam to the Siberian tunes of Radio Sabir, a new interactive 3d map allows you to listen live to thousands of radio stations across the globe.
Radio Garden features radio broadcasts from hundreds of countries around the world. Just click on a marker on this interactive map and you can tune in to local radio stations which provide live internet radio streams. Radio Garden is a great way to explore the sounds of different cultures around the world. It also provides an interesting insight into the broadcasting traditions of different countries.
As well as the thousands of live radio streams Radio Garden includes a 'History' section which features audio clips from the selected country's radio history. The map also includes a 'Jingles' sestion providing a "crash course in (global) station identification".
The 3d map itself was developed using the Cesium JavaScript library for 3d globes.

If you browse Radio Garden for a little while it soon becomes that English language music has conquered the world. If you really want to explore the different musical traditions of countries across the globe then you might want to try Radioooo instead. Radiooooo is a fun global music map which allows you to listen to music from anywhere in the world and from any decade going back to 1900.
To start listening to music on Radiooooo you just need to click on a country on the map. You can then select a decade using the buttons at the bottom of the map. You will then be able to sit back and listen to a stream of music from the country & decade that you have chosen.
Radiooooo also includes the option to select the 'mood' of music that you wish to hear (slow, fast or weird). The map itself also includes a 'Taxi' option which allows you to select to listen to music from more than one country.

Another interesting way to explore radio stations around the world is via radioISS. RadioISS features a live video stream of Earth from the International Space Station and an animated interactive map showing you the live position of the ISS.
RadioISS allows you to view the ISS HD Earth View while listening to radio stations from around the world. As the International Space Station travels around the Earth radioISS automatically tunes into radio stations from the country that the ISS is currently flying over (or from countries nearby).
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