The Houston Accident Map is a nicely designed Google Map that shows the location of every road accident in Montgomery, Harris, Fort Bend, Liberty and Chambers counties from 2007 to 2011.
Users can filter the accidents displayed on the map by year, by county and by the severity of the accident. By clicking on an individual marker users can view the details of the accident and even view a Street View of the location.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this. We created the map partly as a public service and partly it has to be said to help raise brand awareness for Attorney Stewart Guss.
The data came from the Texas Department of Transportation and we plan to mine that data now to find interesting trends and share them on twitter and facebook. Hopefully the local government in Houston will take notice!
We'd be happy to share the software, just send me a message via netmidas.com or twitter @johnthunder.
I'd really appreciate feedback and suggestions on how to improve it.
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