The US Census Bureau has released an animated map that shows where the mean center of the population has been for each US census from 1790 to 2010.
The Mean Center of Population for the United States 1790 to 2010 shows how the mean center of population in the US has shifted westward in the last 220 years from Kent County, Maryland to Texas County, Missouri.

French rail operator SNCF has released a nice map to help rail passengers plan great days out in France.
Le Carte des Bons Plans allows passengers to search for great places to visit on the train within a fixed rail fare. Users simply have to enter their town and city, define how much they are prepared to pay for their train ticket and then all the great destinations within range of the fare are displayed on the map.

On a more sombre note The Guardian and CartoDB have mapped every US terror attack between 1970 and 2011.
The START Global Terrorism Database monitors terror attacks around the world and has compiled details of each incident recorded since 1970. The US Terror Attacks map animates through all 2,386 US terror attacks from 1970 to 2011.
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