Over the year's Google Maps Mania has only ever reported on a handful of Belgium maps. We are therefore delighted to be able to review this map devoted to the Belgium obsession with
The Fritmap is a Google Map showing the location of friteries. You might ask why you would need a map when friteries appear almost every 50 yards in Belgium. And I would reply that the Fritmap is more than just a map that helps you find your nearest friterie.
If you click through on any of the markers on the map you can view photos, read reviews and comment on the listed restaurant. You can also search the map for restaurant by rank, which is a handy tool for those looking for the best frites in Belgium.

Toyoto has come up with one of the best Google Maps based promotional campaigns yet. To help promote the car the company are driving an IQ around with a 360 degree panoramic camera rig strapped to the roof. They are then capturing Street View images and filling in all the blanks on Google Maps.
The campaign, which ran in Belgium, allows anyone to report a street that doesn't have Street View on the Toyota IQ - Street View Google Map. The Toyota IQ then travels to the street, captures the Street View images and adds them to the map.

Reclame Erfgoed is an awesome Belgium website that is using Google Maps and Street View to locate and document vintage hand painted wall advertisements. The hand painted advertisement has now obviously been replaced by mass produced billboard advertising so it is a great idea to try and document (and hopefully) save the few remaining examples of hand painted wall advertising.
The submitted Street View images include forward and back arrows so it is possible to quickly navigate to the next or previous submission. The site also includes a map and a location search box so you can find submissions by location.
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