The Neighborhoods Project is an experiment in crowdsourced US neighborhood polygons. The Neighborhoods Project allows developers to download neighborhood boundaries for every city in the US derived from geotags on Flickr photos.
Users can also edit the Flickr derived boundaries and download a custom GeoJSON with the edits applied. Edits to the boundaries also help to improve the boundary data.

MapIt is a neat service from MySociety that maps geographical points to administrative areas.
Using the application you can enter a location and find out what country, region, city, constituency, or state it lies within. When you enter a location MapIt returns a list of the administrative areas that the location lies within, starting with the country and then drilling down through state, town and neighborhood areas.
A really useful function of MapIt for map developers is that it returns the kml for area searches, so MapIt is a great resource if you want shapefiles for administrate areas. To get a shapefile of an area you will need the OpenStreetMap area id for the location.
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