The United States Census Bureau's 2011 Language Mapper is a great tool for exploring the languages spoken in the USA. The data comes from the Community Survey.
Users of the map can select a language and an ability level from the map sidebar and visualise on the map where that language is spoken in the US.

Andrew Hill has used Leaflet and CartoDB to provide a series of maps exploring tax lot level data from the NYC Department of Finance.
The PLUTO Data Maps explore a range of issues, including the ownership of buildings in New York, building height, the age of buildings and which building lots are the furthest away from public spaces.

Also in New York WNYC has been mapping Where New Yorkers Don't Vote.
Using MapBox WNYC has created a map that shows the percentage of New Yorkers who don't bother to vote by census tract. The data used is from the last mayoral election in 2009.
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