movieloci is a handy website that can help you find out what movies were shot near your home.
The movieloci Locations Map allows you to search for films that were shot near any location. Just enter an address into the search box and the map will display locations used in movies and television series that were shot nearby.
If you want to find out where your favourite films or TV shows were shot you can also search moviloci by title and view a list of all filming locations in an individual film or show.

Travelex has created a Google Map to help film lovers and avid travelers find where in the world the best and most prominent blockbusters in history were filmed.
The Travelex Movie Lover's Guide to the World app allows users to explore the filming locations of the top 250 movies of all time (according to IMDB). The map features red markers pinned to locations all over the world.
Users can click a location marker to find out what was filmed there or they can click one of the movies listed to see all of the various locations where it was filmed.

Do you ever wonder what films have been shot in your neighborhood? Well, with BoxOfficeQuant's Google Map you can find all the movies that have been shot on location near your home.
The map displays the top 2,000 films from 1910-2010 according to IMDB. The location of sets used in each film was also obtained from IMDB. In total the map shows 9,736 locations from the 2,000 films.
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