The Southern Poverty Law Center has mapped over 1,500 public symbols of the Confederacy across the United States. These public symbols include not just statues and other memorials but schools, parks and roads which have been named for Confederate leaders or battles.
In Whose Heritage? Public Symbols of the Confederacy the SPLC has created an interactive map showing the location of Confederate symbols and memorials. The map uses color coded markers to show which are monuments, which are schools and which are roads. If you select a marker on the map you can also see the year that this selected memorial to the Confederacy was dedicated.
One of the arguments against removing these public memorials to the Confederacy is that they are historical monuments. However the vast majority of these memorials aren't even 100 years old. The SPLC has compiled a timeline of when these memorials to the Confederacy were dedicated. This timeline shows that there have been two main periods which have seen spikes in the number of Confederacy memorials being dedicated. The first was in the first two decades of the Twentieth Century. The second was in the 1950's and 1960's.
The Southern Poverty Law Center know that this isn't a complete map of Confederate memorials. If you know of any which are missing from the map then you can use the Whose Heritage? Update Form to show the location of a public symbol of the Confederacy. You can also use the form if you think any of these memorials have been wrongly identified as a symbol of the Confederacy.
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