Esri has used the latest American Community Survey to visualize where people are moving to and from in the United States. The Where are people moving? story map explores patterns of internal migration within the USA and shows you where in the country people moving into your neighborhood in the last year came from.
The visualizations include maps showing where most people moved from in each state and county. On these predominance maps parts of the United States are colored to show where new residents moved from in the past year. As you progress through the storymap patterns in the internal migration of Americans are highlighted on the map. For example many counties in Florida are colored grey showing that the majority of people moving in are Northeastern snowbirds and retirees moving to the warmth of the south.
Other patterns which are revealed by the maps are that 38% of new arrivals in California came from abroad and that Texas experienced inward migration from all areas of the United States and from abroad. As you can see in the screenshot above most inward migration actually consists of people moving within the same region of the USA.
At the end of the Where are people moving? story map is an interactive map which colors each census tract in the country to show where the most people moving into the tract in the last year moved from. This allows you to see where the majority of new residents in your neighborhood moved from.
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