I'm a great fan of live real-time maps of city transit systems. There is something about watching trains moving in real-time on a map that really appeals to my inner geek.
This real-time Google Map of Munich's S-Bahn shows the transit system's trains live as they move around the city. Each train is represented on the map with a numbered map marker indicating which line it is travelling on.
You can click on any of the train markers and view its next stop and its destination station. It is also possible to click on any station on the network and view the times and destination of the next trains scheduled to arrive.
S-Bahn Munich: Real-Time Map
Does anyone know if there is something like this for the U-Bahn in Munich?
Does anyone know how to make such map ? what protocol is used ?
@anonymous - this post might help
Be careful here! This is not live, but an animation based on the schedule. Has nothing to do with reality! " Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei nicht um eine permanent gemessene Echtzeitposition handelt, sondern lediglich um eine Animation auf Basis der vorhandenen Fahrplandaten und punktuell erfassten Echtzeitdaten. "
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