The average Texan can expect to live until they are 78.5 years old. Of course life expectancy in the state can vary dependent on where you live and your sex and race. Life Expectancy in Texas is an interactive map which allows you to see where people can expect to live longer or shorter lives in Texas.
Enter your zip-code into the map and you can view details on life expectancy in your neighborhood. The map sidebar will show the average life expectancy in your zip-code area and the average life expectancy in your county. The interactive map provides a choropleth view of the life expectancy in your area and in the surrounding neighborhoods. This allows you to see at a glance if the life expectancy in your neighborhood is dramatically higher or lower than your surrounding neighborhoods.
Three maps are shown. One shows the average life expectancy for the population as a whole. The two smaller maps show the average life expectancy for men and for women. Buttons at the top of the map allow you to view the average life expectancy for the white, black or Hispanic populations.
If you don't live in Texas you might prefer Quartz's U.S. Life Expectancy Map.

Where you live can have a huge influence on how long you can expect to live. People who live in New York's Chinatown have a life expectancy of 93.6 years. However people who live in nearby Roosevelt Island have a life expectancy of just 59 years. You can discover the average life expectancy in your neighborhood on this interactive map from Quartz.
Quartz's Life Expectancy Map reveals the average life expectancy in nearly every U.S. neighborhood. The map uses data from the Center for Disease Control's U.S. Small-area Life Expectancy Estimates Project, which tracks life expectancy at the census tract level. If you hover over your neighborhood on Quartz's map you will discover the average life expectancy in your census tract and how that compares to the state and national average.
The average life expectancy in the USA is falling. Between 2016 and 2017, the average life expectancy in the US fell from 78.7 to 78.6 years. The CDC blames this fall on the large increase in drug overdoses and suicides.
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