Drum roll please ... the 2019 Telegeography Submarine Cable Map has arrived. Every year Telegeography releases a new updated version of its map of the global network of undersea telecommunication cables. This year's map highlights the huge recent building boom in submarine cables. This boom will see in the next few years around 107 new submarine cables being laid around the world, adding over 400,000 kilometers of new telecommunication cable to the global network.
A number of information insets along the bottom of the 2019 map help explain this new building boom. These include insets showing new countries which will soon be connected for the first time and the amount of new cables being laid in the different global regions. Content providers, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft, are investing and driving much of this new building boom in submarine cables. An inset for each of these companies shows where each company is driving the construction in new submarine cable infrastructure.
You can still view previous versions of Telegeography's Submarine Cable maps. Here is Telegrogaphy's 2018 Submarine Cable Map. If you want to view the maps from previous years you can just change the year in the URL. For example, one of my favorite Telegeography maps can be found at http://submarine-cable-map-2015.telegeography.com/. This 2015 map was inspired by medieval and renaissance cartography and features not only a vintage map style but sea monsters, cartouches and map border illustrations.
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