Have you ever wanted to spray your tag on the side of the White House or Buckingham Palace?
Well now you can.
At least you can virtually.
Paint Your Street lets you add graffiti to Google Maps Street View. Anywhere that has Street View coverage can now be virtually daubed with your very own tag.
Just log-in with your Facebook account, find your location on Google Maps and tag away to your heart's content. If you want to you can also browse other users' creations by most popular, most recent or just view your friends' artwork.
Hat-tip: @geoparadigm
Red Bull Street View Art

Red Bull are using Google Maps and Google Street View to present a crowd-sourced map of street art from around the world.
Using the map you can search for graffiti directly from the map and click on the map markers to view a Street View image of the art. The site includes quick links to the 'most viewed' and the 'latest additions' to the map. There are also quick links to works by popular graffiti artists such as Banksy and Keith Haring.
Adding your own finds to the map is very easy. It just involves finding the right location on the map and dragging the Street View to grab the best shot of the street art that you wish to submit.
Shelter Housebling - World Cup Special

UK housing charity, Shelter produced a special World Cup edition of their Christmas Street View House Decoration application last year. The World Cup may have finished a long time ago but the application is still working.
I absolutely love it, such a great idea! you can actually pick your house and spray on it!
The Ability to spray something on a friend's house from another country and surprise him through facebook link is just BRILLIANT!!!
Such a lovely site! Virtual graffiti! You can paint on your house, workplace or favorite pub! You can paint on the house of somebody you love! Your painting lives inside the street view and moves 360 degrees!
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