Commutometer is an isochrone map which shows you how far you can commute on public transit in San Francisco within a set time limit. Click anywhere on this map of San Francisco and you can find out how far you can commute from that location using the city's public transit system.
To find out how far you can commute you just need to select a location on the map. Use the slide control to select the number of minutes of your commute. An isochrone layer is then drawn on the map to show where in the city you could commute in the entered time. This isochrone layer can also be configured to display a color gradient showing how far you can travel in 5 minute stages.
Commutometer can also be used to find the quickest public transit route between two locations. If you click on the map twice the map will display the quickest route for that journey, including details about how long the journey should take.
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