"a Place Page is a web page for every place in the world, organizing all the world's information for that place. And we really mean every place: there are Place Pages for businesses, points of interest, transit stations, landmarks, and cities all over the world."
To get to a Place Page you can click on the 'more info' link that appears when you carry out a search in Google Maps.
Alternatively, you can click on the 'more info' link that appears in the information window from a search result.

The place pages for locations include geographically relevant Panoramio photos, YouTube videos, user created My Maps, a list of the top My Maps contributors for the location and a list of popular places.
Each Place Page also comes with a user friendly URL, in the form,
As well Place Pages for towns and cities there are Place Pages for businesses, points of interest, transit stations and landmarks, e.g.
The Eiffel Tower
Macy's, New York
Via: Google LatLong: One place, one page
1 comment:
We have had this feature for over a year now. We call it "SadakLink" or "PageMark". It works great with search engines accounting for over 30% of our traffic.
example: http://www.sadakmap.com/p/Simply-Idlicious/
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