In order to help the ailing global economy Google Maps has today unveiled a new map layer, 'Treasure Maps'.
The new Treasure Maps layer should help all fortune seekers find any nearby hidden booty. To view the Treasure Maps layer just select the button on the top right of Google Maps. If you need additional help in finding any hidden treasure, whilst in Treasure Maps, open Street View which now has a very handy black and white telescope view.
There are actually a number of hidden clues on the map. Look for icons that have numbers beside them - the numbers are map co-ordinates that you can follow to new locations. Check out the comments below for help on where to find the treasure or check out this Treasure Maps - Spoilers post.
If you do manage to find the two passwords hidden on the map then you should be able to access two zipped files that Google have now posted online. Here's what Google says about the files:
"Have you found Captain Kidd's long-lost treasure yet? We found some locked treasures on the map, but Captain Kidd locked these with a secret code:"
The new Treasure Maps layer of course has nothing to do with April Fools Day.
MapsTD has already hacked the new map layer. You can now play Tower Defence on the Treasure Map layer of Google Maps.
is it april already?
Check out Bermuda and follow on locations for Google's Treasure Hunt
Got as far as the Sword at -21.530296,46.054945, but Sword doesn't seem to lead anywhere.
Found a red ax that started in Puerto Rico
For the anon stuck at the sword, the 9 in the handle is relevant.
So, taking three separate paths, I have found a upside down red ax, a red sword, and a red compass...
7.05,20.47 - Red circle
post co-ordinates of all finds. do they relate for a bigger picture?
29.14, 129.19 - Red compass
81.9, -71.66 - Red Ax
68.67, -122.38, Red sword
52.27, -7.11 - Red Rope (R)
50.62, -113.81 - Red Coin
-5.06, -64.36 - Red gun
-39.13, 175.64 - red 9
72.97, 7.91 - red 1
-137.81, -66.08 - red m
-84.34, 167.22 red p
21.76, -82.85 - red s
The compass, ax, sword, rope, etc. look like letters.
44.96, -82.02 black coin
48.58, -89.31 black key
49.4, -102.91 black dominoes
56.74, -98.12 guillotine?
68.67, -122.38 red sword
There is a tower with what looks like a chair falling onto an "X marks the spot" near Naglee Park in San Jose, CA
I found a treasure chest at -21.293293, 55.575542
What does that mean?
Spoilers, I'm keeping a spreadsheet of all info here:
It's open for public edits if you want to help!
possibly may eventually spell, 'google maps mania', with all the clues, sure they may add an april fools somewhere, but alls the clues mentioned so far are going that way..
Huh, there is a falling chair on a tower in San Jose, CA with an "X" next to it. Regular satellite view lead me to a tower on the San Jose State campus. Indeed, there is a chair that is falling out of Tower Hall at times of the year... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H550VMf57z0
Looking at all the clues so far it looks like all the letters will spell,
'April Fool'
Here's the solution to the #treasuremap (I cleaned the several tabs we used to summarize)
Kudos to +Takashi Beppu with who I did the first collection of red letters, +Gerwin Sturm who built a nifty and comprehensive list which enabled me to what seems to be the end #MMC-Google
What is MMC Google?
Keir, should be APRIL'S FOOL, not APRIL FOOLS :)
I stand corrected. The order you put it is apparently right.
MMC-900913 (or MMC-GOOGLE as you found out) was already on last years April's Fool prank as the name of Google Maps 8-bit for NES control unit :) Check http://youtu.be/rznYifPHxDg?t=29s
50.628122,-113.818531 after starting in Bristol I ended up here...nowhere else to go!!!!
Am I the only person this isn't working at all for?
Looks like Austin has bats!
I found https://twitter.com/MMC_Google
This thing is giving me a headache
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