At 16.30 (BST) today London will come to a shuddering halt as the fearless workers of the London Underground down tools and go on strike. This means that there will be no London Underground services from this evening until the early hours of Friday morning.
Londoners will of course respond to the situation with their usual stoic stiff upper-lips. City bankers will jump on their bicycles and cheerful Cockneys will take to shanks pony. It might take us a little longer to get home tonight but we will struggle home happy in the knowledge that we are all doing our bit to support our brothers and sisters in the National Union of Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers.
Alternatively we may all take to Twitter and swear like bloody troopers. The F*cking Tube Strike map is expecting the latter course of action and is ready to map the incandescent outrage of a city inconvenienced. Already the map is lighting up with the sweary responses of Londoners to the tube strike.
Check back in later, when the strike actually begins. to witness this map exploding with f#cking expletives.
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