Last week's map quiz Name the Country From its Rail Network proved very popular. So this Sunday I've got another map quiz for you. In this week's map quiz you need to identify nine U.S. cities from their road networks. All the cities represented in the image above can be found in the United States. See how many you can identify on your own before checking the answers at the bottom of this post.
To create these mini maps of city road networks I used Mapbox Studio. The process for creating these road maps was very easy and it only took me about one hour to complete this image of nine cities. To start with I selected the 'monochrome' map style from Mapbox Studio's default templates. I then simply went through every map layer changing the color to black - except for all the road layers which I changed to white.
Answers (select text below to reveal)
Washington D.C., Chicago, New York
San Francisco, Seattle, Boston
Dallas, Philadelphia, Los Angeles

If you found identifying US cities by their road networks too easy then try identifying these global cities by their waterways. In the image above there are six maps showing only the water and land of six different cities. If you want a clue the top three cities are all in Europe and the bottom three can be found in the US.
The maps were again made using Mapbox Studio and Photoshop.
Answers (select text below to reveal)
Amsterdam, Venice, London
New York, Boston, San Francisco
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