The Big Art Mob, the crowd-sourced map of the world's public art, has relaunched today with some exciting new features.
Using the Big Art Mob Google Map it is possible to search for public art by location, by tag, by user or just browse the latest or featured submissions. Anyone can submit an artwork to the map by taking a photo and posting the location of the art work. A soon to be released new iPhone application will enable users to post photos straight to the Big Art Mob map.
Amongst the new features is the ability to create walking routes of your favourite art works. To create a route you just need to perform a search for the artist, theme or location you are interested in. Then as you browse the results you just need to click the 'Add to Route' button on an artwork's entry to add it to your art walking route.
Another new feature is the ability to view the artworks on Google Maps Street View, where available. When you click on an art work's marker on the map you can select the 'Street View' link to open a Street View of the submitted location.