Stratuga is using Leaflet.js to build a platform that allows computer game players to create personal strategy & tactical maps for their favorite computer games. In essence Stratuga provides a number of interactive maps of computer game worlds which anyone can annotate, draw paths on or add markers to.
Using JavaScript mapping libraries to provide interactive maps of computer game worlds is nothing new. DayZDB (DayZ), the Interactive GTA V Glitch Map (GTA5) and The Division Agent Map (The Division) are just three examples of interactive game maps created with Leaflet and the Google Maps API.
However, by combining map drawing tools with interactive game world maps, Statuga seem to have hit upon a nice little niche market, Using Stratuga's interactive maps game players can plot important locations, map out paths and plan campaigns. They can then save their maps and share them with friends or other team members.
eSports are growing in popularity so there definitely could be a market for Stratuga's maps. In fact Stratuga recently announced a partnership with Stofftiere Online. Stofftiere is a German gaming community with several eSports teams, so it will be interesting to see how this partnership develops.
If you are interested in using Stratuga to help you tackle your own computer games then you might want to check out their interactive maps for Overwatch, Counter Strike, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm and Dota 2. Stratuga also have interactive map templates for a number of real sports, including soccer, basketball, rugby, baseball and hockey. These sports maps provide interactive maps of pitches, which again you can annotate or draw upon to your heart's content.
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