The Committee to Protect Journalists has recorded the deaths of at least 27 journalists, murdered by Islamic State since 2013. Another 11 journalists are missing, feared dead.
The CPJ has mapped How Islamic State Silences the Press, showing where and when each of the journalists were killed. The map includes a CartoDB Torque animated mode, providing a chronological view of when the murdered journalists were killed.This chronological view isn't particularly informative but you can turn this off using the 'visible layers' menu and switch to the 'narrative' view to get more information about each of the murdered journalists.
Using the narrative view you click on the individual markers to learn more about each journalist. The individual pop-up windows in this narrative view also includes a link which you can follow to read the full news report by CPJ on the selected journalist's death.

The Committee to Protect Journalists also records all journalists killed around the world. Back in 2014 Reuters used the CPJ database of murdered deaths to create an interactive visualization of 1,082 journalist deaths by time and by location.
Journalist Deaths includes two different visualizations of the data. 'Over Time' is an interactive bar chart showing the number of journalists killed by year. You can filter the results shown in the graph by gender, employer, type of death and by a number of other categories.
The other visualization, 'By Location', plots the murdered journalists on a world map. The killed journalists are only mapped down to country level, however the map does give an overview of which countries are the most dangerous for journalists. You can also filter the results shown on the map using the same category filters used in the yearly bar chart.
In both visualizations you can click on the individual data points to learn more about the individual journalists killed while working on assignment. For more detailed information you can also click through on each information window to read a full-account of the journalist's death on the Committee to Protect Journalists website.
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