Germany has a growing problem with illegal aliens (the kind that come from outer space). Since 1945 almost 9,700 UFOs have been spotted in Germany. The number of these sightings has increased significantly since 2007.
Im Land der Untertassen shows all UFO sightings in Germany from 1945 to 2016, reported to the German Society for UFO Research (DEGUFO). The map provides a number of map views analyzing different aspects of the UFO sighting data. For example, the map shows how the number of sightings is closely related to population density. Im Land der Untertassen speculates that this might be down to the number of people in cities. It may also be due to the closeness to artificial light sources and different types of air traffic.
The map also explores a number of locations away from high urban populations that have recorded high numbers of UFO sightings. Im Land der Untertassen believes that the huge spike in UFO sightings since 2007 could be due to the rise in mobile telephones with built-in cameras.

The UFO Sightings Map plots over 90,000 reports of UFO sightings since 1905 in the USA. The map uses data from the National UFO Reporting Center.
UFO sightings are shown on the map using scaled map markers. The size of each marker relates to the number of eye witnesses. If you select a marker on the map you can actually read the witness reports. Many of the reports are accompanied by videos or pictures recorded by the eye witnesses.

For a number of years UFO Stalker has been using the Google Maps API to show the locations of the latest UFO reports to MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network).
The map includes a number of filters, which allow you to filter the aliens on the map by date and the type of close encounter. If you click on a map marker you can read the event details of the reported sighting. It is also possible to search the map by location and date and view the latest reports in list format.